Saturday 16 August 2014


JUST WHAT WE NEED IS ENCOURAGEMENT Isn’t encouragement just another word for praise? Unfortunately many parents think the words are interchangeable and believe they are encouraging their teen by given them praise. This is unfortunate because in many cases praise will have a discouraging impact on a young person.

Praise and encouragement are fundamentally different.
 Praise is a reward, encouragement is a gift Praise focuses on results, encouragement focuses on effort & growth.
Praise is often general, encouragement is about specifics Praise implies judgment, encouragement is about acknowledgement
Praise conveys temporary approval, encouragement conveys ongoing acceptance Praise focuses on feeling good, encouragement focuses on building competence.
 Praise emphasizes pleasing others, encouragement enhances self-motivation.
 Praise is about competition, encouragement is about co-operation

See more at: Understanding teenagers
 or better still just send me an email @

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